terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013

Chine New Year

what is :The Chinese New Year is a reference to the date of celebration of the new year adopted by many nations of the east following a traditional calendar different from the west, the Chinese calendar.
where: in china
when:in  february
celebration:In celebration, red lanterns are lit and hung outside the main entrance, and will only be removed after 15 days of the New Year. Fireworks are blown to scare away evil spirits.
usually occurs in February but the day è mobile.

name:Amanda Borges M. e Eduardo Rodrigues P.
grade:7 ano 2.

Valentine's Day

where: Usa , and same countries in europa and Ásia..

    When: February 14

  Who: couples , boyFriends , friends , etc..

 What: they exchange cards, flowers , chocolates loving nicknames
  Eg : I love you
 Happy Valentine's Day
    Bruna pires carvalho   :3


Where: In Brazil and other countries
When: And Easter can fall on March 22 and April 25
Who: Adults and children etc
What: Celebrate with family and children eat chocolate
Students: Larissa Lima
Grande: 7° 2


Where: U.S.A, Canadá, Ireland and UK

When: day October 31

Who: the children

What: The hallowen is a commemorative party celebrated every year on October 31 the eve of All Saints.

Students: Jorge Luiz da Rosa and Gabriel Silveira
Grande: 7° 2


Where : All countries Christians

when : December 25

Who : Family Christian

What : they give gifts, receive gifts and they reunite family


Grade: 7 ²

Valentine's Day

Where=Unites States
Who=  is mainly celebrated by lovers, married, engaged, friends, and people in love.
When= february 14
What= exchange gifts between married couples, friends, lovers and honeymooners.
 Erika R. Bernardes
Lohany S. Costa


Where: 4 july

When: United States

Who: Americans

What: Celebrate with parades, sporting events and fireworks and the flag is hoisted with blue ribbons Red and white.


Name: Claudio e Carlos  Eduardo.
Grade: 7ª 2.


Thankisgiving Day

Where: U.S.A and Canadá
When: In the fourth Thursday in november
Who: All the inhabitants of the United States
What: Is a day of gratitude , usually to God, the good events during the year. On this day, the people give thanks with feasts and prayers.
Students: Franklin Laurentino and Vitória Monteiro
Grade: 7°ano 2

Day Of The Dead

Where: Mexico
When: October  31 until november 2
Who: Mexicans
What: Is a celebration of indigenous origin, honoring the dead.


                                                   Isadora C. Freitas and Maria Eduarda Cuadro

the invention of electric lamp

What: Thomas Alva Edison

who: lamp

when: 21  de December 1879

where: United states

Name: Yure fernandes teixeira 

8 ano 02

the invention of mouse

WHAT: Mouse
WHO: Douglas Engelbart
WHEN: 1969
WHERE: Estados Unidos
WHY: he wanted augmenting human intellect 

Cintia Hyppolito Garcia

The Invention of Bikini

What: Bikini
Who: Louis Réard
When: 1946
Where: França
Why: He wanted to create the world's smallest bathing suit 

     Gabriela 8.02

the envention of phome

The invention of the miniskirt

The invention of the miniskirt

what: miniskirt
who:Mary Quant
why:because he felt terribly ugly fashion
how:created whose sheath is well above the knees


Name:Lucas João Pires, Pedro Henrique Moretto

The invention of Skate

What: Skate
Who: Doc Ball
When: Decade 1960
Where: California
Why: For when the tide was low, surfers can have fun somewhere else.


segunda-feira, 1 de julho de 2013

the invention of bicycle

what:  the bicycle

who: Kirk Patrik Mac Milian, Pierre Michaux, H.J. Lawson and John Kemp Starley

where: in 1818

why: with the objective of that the people to move about from one place to another more quickly and easily

Gislaine Inácio Francisco and Luan Santiago Thomaz

8 02

The Invention Of Lamp

what : Lamp
who : Thomas Edison

when : 1879

where : United States

why :
The invention stemmed from the need to use a small lamp replacement demestica that light from the gas flame ..

Thallis RIbeiro Freitas
Weslei da rocha fernandes

the invention of whalke men

what:walke men
who: Richard Christopher WEKEMEN
WHEN: May,1949
WHY:they wanted a wireless radio device
how:they took the idea of ​​a wireless device with oradio
 luiz henrique ribeiro boeing

The Invention of microwave


  who:Percy Specer



  why: was invented almost by accident the microwave owes its existence to an accidental fact

  image of modern microwave

image of the old microwave



Doubles: Luiz Henrique Demetrio e Gustavo Rirchad

The invention of bikini

what: Bikini
who: Jacques Heim
when: June 26, 1946
where: France
why: Wanted to make the world's smallest bathing suit

Ana Carolina , Luciana 

the inventions of walkman

What: Walkman
Who: Nabutoshi Kihara
why: to hear your best songs

Nome: Andre Zanin,Elias Atônio
Série: 8º²

the invention of the mouse

WHAT: Mouse
WHO: Douglas Engelbart
WHEN: 1969
WHERE: Estados Unidos
why: He wanted augmenting human intellect
Thiago Prestes e Matheus Prestes 8ª2


what: Skate
Who: Frank Nasworthy
when: 1960s

Were: Califórnia
 Dupla: Samuel Pereira,Julia


WHAT: Aeroplane .
WHO: Alberto Santos Dumont.
WHEN: 23 de October de 1906.
WHERE: Brazil.
WHY: Because he always had the dream of flying.
HOW: The 14Bis biplane was made ​​of bamboo, Japanese silk, and aluminum knuckles .

                                                  Antique Image :

                                              Current image:


Amanda Silva , Graziela Laurindo 8º02 .

The invention of Mini skirt

What: Mini Skirt
Who: Mary Quant
When: 11 of  February of 1934
Were: USA
why:  She wanted to be remembered by all
How: With Some help from family, with the help of the Queen Elizabeth 2. And with woven cloths ...

Beatriz Dos Santos e Larissa Soares Silveira


What: Skate
Who: Doc Ball
When: Decade 1960
Where: California
Why: For when the tide was low, surfers can have fun somewhere else.
nome:João Otávio, Lucas


the invention of the mouse

the invention of the mouse

The invention of Plane

Who:Santos Dumont

Beatriz Medeiros e Yasmin Trietro

the invention of bike

WHO:kirkpatrick macmillan
WHEN:on year of 1840
WHERE:in frança
WHY:because the bike was a product far into reality




The Invention of Bikini

Who:Louis Reard
Where:26 de junho de 1946
Why:The sport started gaining popularity, people started going to the beach, emerged then need to create swimsuits for women bask on beaches and piscinas.Os swimsuits that time covered as much as possible the shapes of the ladies .. after giving her comfort was oordens and swimsuits encurtando.As legs were getting inteirammente discoveries and emerged on the necklines neck and back.
                                               Photo of an old bikini:

                                            Photo of a bikini now:
                                         Pupil:Yasmin Silva Augusto

The invention of walkman.

What: walkman
Who: Nobutoshi Kihara
When: 1979
Where: Japan
Why: Why he wanted to hear operates in exhausting work
                Image of an old Walkman:
Image of a walkman current:
  team: Júlia & Juliana.

The invention of skate

What: Skate
When: early twentieth century
Where: Califórnia (EUA)
Why: when an American boy named DocBall dismounted skates sister and rode a skateboard in a shape (wood moldingskateboard). With the knee supportedstructure, Doc gave momentum to the other foot .
               OLD SKATE

Pão de batata

the invention of phone

what: the phone                                                      

The Invention of Lamp

   What: The Lamp
   Who: The North American was Thomas Alva Edison who invented the lamp.
   When: December 21, 1879
  Where: in New York

How: For their use,he developed a complete electrical system distributions of light and power, including generators, motors, light   sockets, junction boxes, safety fuses, underground conductor among other devices.      



 Name: Maria Eduarda Silvério Gaspar e Melissa Pereira Zardin  Grade: 8ª 1
Teacher: Renan Osvaldo Pacheco
Subject: English