domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014

Nice to meet you

Hi! Sou professor de Inglês na Escola Annes Gualberto. 
Acabei de me efetivar nessa escola e pretendo continuar nela até minha aposentadoria (pensando nisso já?). Para que não sejam décadas de mesmice, tenho buscado nas tecnologias um caminho para sempre inovar.
Pelo que entendi no primeiro encontro, a maior parte do curso será algo do tipo "vamos usar as tecnologias, pessoa!" Acredito que usar as tecnologias não seja exatamente o desafio, mas como usá-las: esse é o desafio. Espero que nós tenhamos esse tipo de discussão, para evoluirmos cada vez mais como profissionais!
Nice to meet you,

terça-feira, 2 de julho de 2013

Chine New Year

what is :The Chinese New Year is a reference to the date of celebration of the new year adopted by many nations of the east following a traditional calendar different from the west, the Chinese calendar.
where: in china
when:in  february
celebration:In celebration, red lanterns are lit and hung outside the main entrance, and will only be removed after 15 days of the New Year. Fireworks are blown to scare away evil spirits.
usually occurs in February but the day è mobile.

name:Amanda Borges M. e Eduardo Rodrigues P.
grade:7 ano 2.

Valentine's Day

where: Usa , and same countries in europa and Ásia..

    When: February 14

  Who: couples , boyFriends , friends , etc..

 What: they exchange cards, flowers , chocolates loving nicknames
  Eg : I love you
 Happy Valentine's Day
    Bruna pires carvalho   :3


Where: In Brazil and other countries
When: And Easter can fall on March 22 and April 25
Who: Adults and children etc
What: Celebrate with family and children eat chocolate
Students: Larissa Lima
Grande: 7° 2


Where: U.S.A, Canadá, Ireland and UK

When: day October 31

Who: the children

What: The hallowen is a commemorative party celebrated every year on October 31 the eve of All Saints.

Students: Jorge Luiz da Rosa and Gabriel Silveira
Grande: 7° 2


Where : All countries Christians

when : December 25

Who : Family Christian

What : they give gifts, receive gifts and they reunite family


Grade: 7 ²

Valentine's Day

Where=Unites States
Who=  is mainly celebrated by lovers, married, engaged, friends, and people in love.
When= february 14
What= exchange gifts between married couples, friends, lovers and honeymooners.
 Erika R. Bernardes
Lohany S. Costa